Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gila National Forest (& Gila Cliff Dwellings)

Hiya guys! So.. I just got out of the Gila National Forest. The first night I slept in my car at a developed campground along the way because there were a lot of winding roads to get there.
Next I headed on into the forest from Silver City. Didn't leave until a bit before 1600 so I only got about 3 hours of hiking in the first day. For most of my trip I took a trail heading West along the West Fork of the Gila River.. starting near the Gila Clif Dwellings National Monument (I didn't see these until after my backpacking trip). The landscapes starts with somewhat smaller canyons but soons changes.
For most of the trip (I did a total of about 16 miles each way), the trail crosses back and forth across the Gila River and you are walking in between two very steep canyon walls.
The multiple crosses are necessary when the river turns and the bank that you are hiking on disappears and goes into the cliff wall. Pretty cool hiking in general. I camped about 5 or 6 miles in the first night.
The next day I continued along the river and for about 10 miles. Along the way I passed this couple that I had passed the day before as well (they apparently left earlier than me but were slower). I quickly got away from them after some casual conversation.. 'cause for some reason I found it weird to be that close to them.
Then I was on off and away.. got near the White River crossing or something.. then went on this trail to the South that was a bit dubious. It was difficult in places and in disrepair.. but I really wanted to take it so I could make a loop make instead of just retracing my steps.. but I had to because the trail totally dropped away.
So, I retraced my steps and camped along that side trail. The side trail was definitely worth it though 'cause there was a really neat stream along it cutting into the rock all nifty and such.
Next day I hiked aaall the way back to my car in on day (about 16 miles). Along the way I saw some guy who had been throwing up for 2 days.. he thought he could make it but had me report him to the ranger's office in case he didn't make it back by some time the next day. Before I went to sleep in my car.. I took a short, 1/2 mile, hike to another area that had hot springs! Shallows pools held the water.. but it was verrry nice after a long hike.. awesome! That night I slept in my car and the next day saw the Gila Cliff Dwellings! Pretty cools stuffs...

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