Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The end.

I probably should have just gone up the road about half a mile from where I camped, but I was stubborn. I wasn't feeling nauseous when I woke up on Sunday morning, and I was able to eat some very slowly. So, I headed off again.
The day involved a slow and steady uphill hike up the dry Blue Creek bed..
..and then eventually a much steeper ascent up the mountains and back into the basin on the west side. I was relatively alright at first, but was stilling having to make 5 minute breaks about every 15 minutes. Then I started to feel nauseous again, and when I tried to eat I would gag with each bite. I began to progress very slowly and the heat only made it worse. After nearly 5 hours I had only gone about 4 miles. I had exited the creek bed and begun to enter an area with trees again, but I had to stop and think. I knew that there was still 3 or 4 miles of more intense uphill before I reached the crest of the basin, and I decided that if I tried to continue on I would probably not make it and may have to be rescued due to my exhaustion.
So, I turned back. This is a view of the furthest point that I reached:
Incredibly it only took me 2 hours to do the hike back to where the trail ran into the road; though I was driven and knew I had to succeed at this point.. and it was a slow downhill, so that always helps.
Finally, around 1800 on Sunday I was back at the Homer Wilson Ranch and luckily a couple had stopped there to check it out when I arrived. They thankfully took me back to my car and I hobbled back over to it with my pack. I was actually able to eat when I had the relatively good food at the restaurant in Big Bend.. though very slowly. I think that the smell of the food that I had was just making me feel sick as well... which has also led me to conclude that I should get a stove and start having better food when I'm camping.
After eating, I decided I needed a motel to recuperate (I know I said I wasn't going to stay in hotels.. but I was not well.. and I suppose I'll have to make sacrifices like these when necessary), so I drove 2 hours to Fort Stockton and got a room for 2 nights.
Now today I'm on a public computer in Fort Stockton. I'll be going to Carlsbad Caverns NP and Guadalupe Mountains NP next. Not sure when I'll post next.. but some time this week....


  1. Spencer! I thought I told you to be careful!!! We already know you're awesome, so don't overdo it!

  2. you need a toaster oven!!! be careful or you could spontaneously combust!

  3. Patty suggests MREs. Though they're pricey, they're pretty tasty and heat up by themselves. There may be a few that are vegetarian. I'm glad you survived.

  4. Yeah, good that you didn't push yourself and took a break at the motel.. I've had too many times in the past where I didn't want to suck it up and do whatever I needed to do at the time to make myself better.. and then needed to go to the doctor afterward! Bleh! Glad you're having a good time :) -Genevieve

  5. I'll make sure not to kill myself in the future. ;-) ..and I'm buying a small stove today!
