Wednesday, September 8, 2010

West... my Future Frontier.

These are the voyages of my car the Enterprise. Its months-long mission: to explore cool new lands, to meet new people and new, amazing landscapes, to boldly go where I have not gone before!
But really though.. this will be my blog for my trip of unknown length. For those who don't know, I'm going West and going to a bunch of parks and forests and backpacking a lot! I'll also be stopping periodically at hostels and couchsurfing to meet new people and so that I have some human interaction periodically. Once I get to Southern California (a month to 2 months from now I'm guessing), I'll probably be WWOOFing (working/learning on an organic farm for food and shelter) at a couple of places for a couple months or so to get stable and do some good work a little bit every once in a while.
All that being said, I really don't know at all what's going to happen.. so we shall see! That's what this blog is for anyways: to document what does happen, not what might happen.
Anyways, after preparing for a while and grocery shopping today (mmm.. looots of canned food and many other non-perishables), I'm leaving tomorrow (Thursday) from Austin and headed for Big Bend.. hopefully I get there early enough to set out and camp tomorrow! I'll be camping for 3 to 5 nights.. won't really know until I get there and talk to them.
By the way.. most of my blogs likely won't be this long because I'll generally only have my phone to use to blog with.. also probably not pictures on the blog because my phone isn't that internet friendly.. but we shall see!
Catch ya'll on the flip side!....


  1. YAY! I'm really excited for u! -carmen

  2. watch out for scorpions, mountain lions, bears and psychos!
