Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Scrublands' Oppression

On Saturday I woke up and was still feeling good, albeit sore a bit. All day was basically up and down and up and down various drainages from the mountains and probably around 100 degrees out.
Around midday I arrived at the remains of an old ranch near a currently dry spring. It had been wet enough there though to hide the trial exceedingly well.
There are two trails leading to this opening.. can you see them? The grass had completely grown up and was covering the turn in the trail and I was also expecting the trail to turn after the old ranch, not before (which it did). This was the first time when I somewhat considered turning back because I couldn't find the trail; however, I scouted out the area for a while doing some crisscrossing of the area and eventually spotted a rock cairn and the continuation of the trail.
A couple of hours later I found the only spot of running water down there in the Fresno Drainage. It wasn't much running water, and I still had enough water on me, but it was nice to see the opportunity anyways.
The landscapes out there were beautiful by the way.
Really a lot of life was out there despite the dryness and heat.
See a lot more pictures on Facebook if you're Facebook friends with me.
That evening I sighted the old Homer Wilson Ranch in the distance and knew that I had the option of ending the trip there. The road runs right by the ranch and also I was able to get some extra water I had stashed in a bear box nearby the ranch. I did consider stopping there. The day had been hard. Once the sun was up I was having to stop at least every 20 minutes to take a breather and try to cool off. For most of the day I felt relatively fine though beside being quite tired and hot. However, that evening I began to feel nauseous. I ate some but only felt worse as I ate more and later that night I vomited a little. Though it was amazing when I went out of my tent to get sick... that is once I was done and looked up. The sky was enormous and full of stars and the milky way, surrounded by the dark silhouettes of the mountains. It was pretty awesome to say the least.
I continued to feel a little nauseous (it was likely a heat-related nausea, not from being actually sick) for a few hours by eventually felt better and went to sleep.

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